Keep it in Perspective

Dear Kiddos,

Depending on when you read this, you may think I am either one of the coolest dudes on Earth (I hope this happens at some point in time), a complete moron who picks on you too much (during your teenage years), the old man you don't want to hang around with (probably also teenage years), a pretty good friend who always foots the bill when we go out (your 20s), or a wise old man (hopefully by your 30s). While I am still growing up myself, unfortunately for your mom, for the most part I won't be changing too much from here on out. The only reason these letters, and me in general, will appear different, is because of your perspective.

While working a long, hot day for my 2nd landscaping company, I began to speak with an (illegal) immigrant named Mario. I was dumping some water on my head, trying to cool down, when I said the smart ass phrase "Just another day in paradise", to which Mario replied, "Absolutely!". He then went on to explain how he had immigrated from Mexico with his wife and kid, nearly starved to death, nearly died of thirst, worked for free on some farm in Texas where he had to cage fight for meals (yes this is a real story), lived in a cardboard box, and then finally met someone who put him and his family in a house with 6 other families and gave him the job he has now. He made half the money that I did, and he sent half of that to the rest of his family back in Mexico. He told me how many of his friends and family celebrated his success and were happy for him. His only fear was driving home every night, because if he were to get stopped by the police, he would probably get sent out of the country.

It can be an amazing thing when your perspective is changed. One day, you think that sweating your butt off while getting paid pennies and walking around with a weed eater sucks. Then, after one conversation, you are contemplating if you are getting paid too much (although you NEVER tell your boss). This letter is not a lecture on "being more thankful", because I am not noble or wise enough to deliver a message like that. I am just a simpleton, emphasizing how important perspective can be, so consider them all.

As you know, your Mom is a pretty huge badass at her job. She skyrocketed through her career rather quickly and started running her own clinic(s) pretty quickly. From my perspective, she is a great worker, and proof that this type of career is possible, if you are 1. Willing to work as hard as an Egyptian building the pyramids, and 2. Willing to seize opportunities if they are presented to you. From the perspective of somebody who has been at a job for their entire career and never progressed to the level that they want, moving up through the ranks may seem as hopeless as trying to go swimming in a metal jumpsuit.

 Perspectives can come about from where we come from, what we are told. For example:
  • Many of our friends and family hunt every year, while some of the people we know from college cannot comprehend why anyone would do this. 
  • I enjoy shooting guns and have been around them my whole life, while others are afraid of them and don't understand why anyone would need to own one.
  • I believe that Nickelback (a band from the 2000s) sucks, but some people think they are great
  • We are a Chevy family, but some of our close family are Ford people. 
  • On a similar note, I could car less what people drive, but to some people, only one type of vehicle is worth driving.
  • You kiddos both learned, while still inside your Mom's belly, that a few loud yells from me means to go crazy and kick and punch everything in sight. Other kiddos, I have learned, are easily afraid when I yell in their faces.
Perspectives can also change over time, for example:
  • Marshall used to think that taking a nap was the best time of the day, and now I must absorb several pinches/bites in order to get him down.
  • I used to worry about what my kids would wear when going out in public, and now I am just glad to have outfits on them that don't have any human waste showing. 
  • I used to wonder what I would do with a day on the weekends where I have nothing planned, now I don't remember what that is like.
  • There was a time, roughly 10 months before Marshall was born, that I thought being a parent sounded scarier than tubing through Niagra falls. Less than 2 years after that time I couldn't imagine not being a proud Dad of 2. 
  • There was another time, roughly 3 days before your Mom and I headed to Vegas, I had no idea what it would be like to be married. Now, 5 years later (I can't speak for myself and your mom), I can't think of a better way to go through life.
The simple truth is that both of you were born babies, and there are other babies out there right now who are your age, and you all have a clean slate to do whatever you are willing to work for in life. Depending on the point of view, what seems attainable will all depend on the perspective. Life can make things seem good, bad, important, or insignificant, so please remember to always keep it in perspective.

Thanks for reading.


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