Thankful to Have so Much to be Thankful For
Dear M&M,
I am thankful that you two are such good looking babies. From the bigeyes, chubby cheeks, down to your little fat feet, I think you two are pretty easy on the eyes. Maybe this isn't the biggest deal in the world, but considering how much you two like to go to the bathroom on me, drool on me, bite me, and make messes of food I try to give you, you being so adorbs makes it much easier to turn the other way and not try to sell you on Ebay.
I am thankful for the comedic relief you two constantly provide. Just the other day, your Mom and I were starting to get pretty tense, because neither one of us wanted to clean the house. We both stalled, and began to get a little short with each other. Your Mom swept up the kitchen and as she was going to grab the dust pan, Marshall walked straight in from another room, and stomped through the pile, then back tracked and stomped through it again, placing the dirt back throughout the room. We all 3 then burst into laughter, and boom, the house was clean, even with some whistling like we were in some sort of Mary Poppins skit.
The comedic relief also comes into play at 2 in the morning, when I am woken up and try to hurry and grab Maggie before your Mom has to get up with her for the 100th time during the week. Half asleep, and stumbling around like some kind of zombie, my desire to get back to sleep can almost push me to the point of aggravation, and then Maggie farts, and I am laughing. I don't know how a sweet, tiny girl can produce such a fart, but it is funny every time. I am laughing just typing this. Trust me, farts will never quit being funny.
I am thankful that you two are learning so much. It is truly incredible to watch you both figure things out for the first time. A couple of days ago, your Mom sent me a video of Marshall sitting at this very laptop, and gently tapping the keys with both hands. You aren't typing 100 words a minute yet, but you already know what to do. As I have said in the past, you love playing hide and seek, and lately you have been figuring out how to hide from me (although you have some work to do). Every day Maggie learns to follow sounds and motion with her eyes. Sometimes sounds stop you in mid cry. It is amazing.
While the learning is amazing to watch, it has also made me be more careful. When we were at dinner with your two uncles the other night, we kept repeating "duuuude". Then Marshall walked right up and said it too. Many things you guys learn is from watching me, so I have to be careful what I show you. First of all, I don't want you learning curse words (and having it be my fault). Second, I don't want you to figure out how to get through all of our child locks in the house, although this should not be an issue, because I can barely figure them out myself. Seriously, once I figure out how to get through these things, I will be ready to go into bank heists as a side job.
Finally, I am thankful for all of our time together. I can't list out every little thing I am thankful for, but I can sum it all up into the time we have. I am thankful for every second, every minute, and every day. I love you guys, and all of our friends and family and could not be more lucky. Thanks to you for giving me so much to be Thankful for.
Thanks for reading,
In addition to the delicious, and gargantuan amount of food I will devour this week, I also have a lot of other things to be thankful for. I try to be thankful all year long, and not have to be reminded to acknowledge it on the one day of the year I'm supposed to be thankful. Nevertheless, the cool thing to do at Thanksgiving is to talk about how thankful you are, so that's what you get in this letter.
First off, I am thankful to be married to your mom. She has always been, and always will be, your dads dream girl, And then on top of it all she went and gave me you 2. She also had the patience (and bankroll) to support me, so I could get through school and get a real job. We had a pretty long road, with more than a few treks uphill, in bad conditions, and I'm not foolish enough to think there won't be more challenges ahead of us,. However, we could be pretty assured that if the last 10 years were any indication, we can get through anything.
So just to recap, some of the things I am most proud of in my life are: being married to your mom, being your dad, and having the only job I would want to work, which are all possible thanks to your mom, so I guess that's a good place to start. It would take too long to just list out all the reasons that I am thankful for our family, so I'll just pick a few that I feel are pretty important right now.
I am thankful that you two are such good looking babies. From the bigeyes, chubby cheeks, down to your little fat feet, I think you two are pretty easy on the eyes. Maybe this isn't the biggest deal in the world, but considering how much you two like to go to the bathroom on me, drool on me, bite me, and make messes of food I try to give you, you being so adorbs makes it much easier to turn the other way and not try to sell you on Ebay.
I am thankful for the comedic relief you two constantly provide. Just the other day, your Mom and I were starting to get pretty tense, because neither one of us wanted to clean the house. We both stalled, and began to get a little short with each other. Your Mom swept up the kitchen and as she was going to grab the dust pan, Marshall walked straight in from another room, and stomped through the pile, then back tracked and stomped through it again, placing the dirt back throughout the room. We all 3 then burst into laughter, and boom, the house was clean, even with some whistling like we were in some sort of Mary Poppins skit.
The comedic relief also comes into play at 2 in the morning, when I am woken up and try to hurry and grab Maggie before your Mom has to get up with her for the 100th time during the week. Half asleep, and stumbling around like some kind of zombie, my desire to get back to sleep can almost push me to the point of aggravation, and then Maggie farts, and I am laughing. I don't know how a sweet, tiny girl can produce such a fart, but it is funny every time. I am laughing just typing this. Trust me, farts will never quit being funny.
I am thankful that you two are learning so much. It is truly incredible to watch you both figure things out for the first time. A couple of days ago, your Mom sent me a video of Marshall sitting at this very laptop, and gently tapping the keys with both hands. You aren't typing 100 words a minute yet, but you already know what to do. As I have said in the past, you love playing hide and seek, and lately you have been figuring out how to hide from me (although you have some work to do). Every day Maggie learns to follow sounds and motion with her eyes. Sometimes sounds stop you in mid cry. It is amazing.
While the learning is amazing to watch, it has also made me be more careful. When we were at dinner with your two uncles the other night, we kept repeating "duuuude". Then Marshall walked right up and said it too. Many things you guys learn is from watching me, so I have to be careful what I show you. First of all, I don't want you learning curse words (and having it be my fault). Second, I don't want you to figure out how to get through all of our child locks in the house, although this should not be an issue, because I can barely figure them out myself. Seriously, once I figure out how to get through these things, I will be ready to go into bank heists as a side job.
Finally, I am thankful for all of our time together. I can't list out every little thing I am thankful for, but I can sum it all up into the time we have. I am thankful for every second, every minute, and every day. I love you guys, and all of our friends and family and could not be more lucky. Thanks to you for giving me so much to be Thankful for.
Thanks for reading,
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