Oh Brother.....and Sister
Dear M&M,
As your Dad, I try to give you a lot of things to make you happy. Toys on your birthday, a drink when you are thirsty, a blanket when you're cold, and a dry diaper when you have crapped and peed in the one you're wearing. I realize that anyone can give you those things. So, I also give you laughs, hugs, more laughs, and love. You can also say that other people can give you that. Therefore, after much deep thought, I realized that the most unique gift I (we) have given you, is your Sibling.
A sibling is a best friend for life (you're welcome). A sibling is also a worst enemy for life (not my fault). There is no other person in the world that you will know for your entire lives. You two will know each other better, and in a different way, than anybody else will ever know you. In fact, the instant Maggie was born, you somehow both knew each other like old friends. Marshall waltzed right into the hospital room and kissed Maggie on the head. You were both enamored with each other right away. While we enjoyed a small grace period where Marshall was gentle with the newborn Maggie, it wasn't long before you both showed you also know how to aggravate each other in a very special way.
Maggie is like a small, controlled, but extremely loud, tornado who was sent here to destroy whatever Marshall is playing with. On a similar note, Marshall is quite possibly the roughest little boy I know, and there is no easing off of the roughness throttle when you are around sissy. I have seen Marshall get hit in the head by a wiffle ball (sorry), run over by a grown man running full speed (sorry), hit with a door (sorry), and even seen the entire wall of a swimming pool collapse on you (sorry). Your reaction has been minimal to say the least in each of these encounters because you are one tough little dude. Therefore, when you thrown sissy down by her shirt, shove her in the head, hit her in the face with a basketball, or snatch something from her while yelling "Sissy Away", Maggie is forced to try to match your toughness. (Be warned, Maggie can't move as fast yet, but when she can catch Marshall, you are both in trouble, as we discovered when you were both locked in the bicycle carrier).
As you know, you 2 are very close in age. Unless Marshall has some kind of super-human memory skill, neither one of you will ever remember life without the other one. Usually, the older child gets to enjoy some "only child" years before the little one shows up and steals the show, but you got no luxury little buddy. Likewise, most of the babies get to enjoy their special place as the shiny new kid, but since Maggie isn't that much younger, that won't be the case. (Disclaimer: Marshall be warned, she is a girl, and will always be the Princess who gets what she wants. That's just life).
Your relationship will be unique because of how alike you are, but at the same time so different. You are both a couple of little blonde-headed, hard laughing, fun loving, crazy dancing, loud yelling goofballs who never stop eating or wanting to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. However, Marshall is even more of a goofball who enjoys taking off his pants and climbing on furniture to yell things. A quick glance at you is at it takes to get you laughing. Maggie (so far) does not give away any smiles for free, and you want things when you want them. In fact, the world has roughly 2 seconds to respond, or you go full blown tantrum. Case and point, when you guys are hungry:
Marshall: "Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat please DJ."
Maggie: silence throughout a long exhale, then: "AAAAAHHHHHHHAAHH!!!!"
Marshall is also a night owl, Maggie is the 1st one up every day. Maggie loves to eat, Marshall is a streaky eater. Maggie likes to suck your thumb, Marshall never did. Marshall likes shooting basketballs, Maggie likes eating them. Maggie is annoyed by our dog, and Marshall would sleep in the cage with him if he could. On the flip side, you do both love music videos, tickling, being thrown in the air, being outside, swinging, riding in the car (for the first hour), and drinking milk.
You will meet many people in your life who you befriend because of common interests, such as sports, school, music, or even food. However, when it comes to people you have things in common with, the bar is set pretty high with you two:
1. Same parents
2. You look the same
3. You live/grew up in the same place
4. You take vacations to the same place
5. You eat at least 2 meals a day together
6. You had the same dog growing up
7. You have the same families
And the list can go on and on.
Even though you two are different in so many ways, and will grow to become more different throughout life, you will always have a special bond. It is kind of like these commercials they have for vacationing in Las Vegas. When people get back from there, they can't really explain it, because so much crazy stuff happens, so they just say it was fun. Well, life is like Las Vegas for you 2. You will see and do things and go through so much more together for your entire lives. You will always have a special bond, because you know each other in a way noone else ever will. You will always have someone to play with while you are young, and as you get older, always have someone at the other end of the phone that you can call. Knowing someone so well will result in some of the craziest fights, but also the deepest, life-long, love.
Therefore, long story short, you are welcome for such an awesome gift. You don't have to thank your Mom and I every day, but from time to time, feel free :)
Thanks for reading.
As your Dad, I try to give you a lot of things to make you happy. Toys on your birthday, a drink when you are thirsty, a blanket when you're cold, and a dry diaper when you have crapped and peed in the one you're wearing. I realize that anyone can give you those things. So, I also give you laughs, hugs, more laughs, and love. You can also say that other people can give you that. Therefore, after much deep thought, I realized that the most unique gift I (we) have given you, is your Sibling.
A sibling is a best friend for life (you're welcome). A sibling is also a worst enemy for life (not my fault). There is no other person in the world that you will know for your entire lives. You two will know each other better, and in a different way, than anybody else will ever know you. In fact, the instant Maggie was born, you somehow both knew each other like old friends. Marshall waltzed right into the hospital room and kissed Maggie on the head. You were both enamored with each other right away. While we enjoyed a small grace period where Marshall was gentle with the newborn Maggie, it wasn't long before you both showed you also know how to aggravate each other in a very special way.
Maggie is like a small, controlled, but extremely loud, tornado who was sent here to destroy whatever Marshall is playing with. On a similar note, Marshall is quite possibly the roughest little boy I know, and there is no easing off of the roughness throttle when you are around sissy. I have seen Marshall get hit in the head by a wiffle ball (sorry), run over by a grown man running full speed (sorry), hit with a door (sorry), and even seen the entire wall of a swimming pool collapse on you (sorry). Your reaction has been minimal to say the least in each of these encounters because you are one tough little dude. Therefore, when you thrown sissy down by her shirt, shove her in the head, hit her in the face with a basketball, or snatch something from her while yelling "Sissy Away", Maggie is forced to try to match your toughness. (Be warned, Maggie can't move as fast yet, but when she can catch Marshall, you are both in trouble, as we discovered when you were both locked in the bicycle carrier).
As you know, you 2 are very close in age. Unless Marshall has some kind of super-human memory skill, neither one of you will ever remember life without the other one. Usually, the older child gets to enjoy some "only child" years before the little one shows up and steals the show, but you got no luxury little buddy. Likewise, most of the babies get to enjoy their special place as the shiny new kid, but since Maggie isn't that much younger, that won't be the case. (Disclaimer: Marshall be warned, she is a girl, and will always be the Princess who gets what she wants. That's just life).
Your relationship will be unique because of how alike you are, but at the same time so different. You are both a couple of little blonde-headed, hard laughing, fun loving, crazy dancing, loud yelling goofballs who never stop eating or wanting to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. However, Marshall is even more of a goofball who enjoys taking off his pants and climbing on furniture to yell things. A quick glance at you is at it takes to get you laughing. Maggie (so far) does not give away any smiles for free, and you want things when you want them. In fact, the world has roughly 2 seconds to respond, or you go full blown tantrum. Case and point, when you guys are hungry:
Marshall: "Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat please DJ."
Maggie: silence throughout a long exhale, then: "AAAAAHHHHHHHAAHH!!!!"
Marshall is also a night owl, Maggie is the 1st one up every day. Maggie loves to eat, Marshall is a streaky eater. Maggie likes to suck your thumb, Marshall never did. Marshall likes shooting basketballs, Maggie likes eating them. Maggie is annoyed by our dog, and Marshall would sleep in the cage with him if he could. On the flip side, you do both love music videos, tickling, being thrown in the air, being outside, swinging, riding in the car (for the first hour), and drinking milk.
You will meet many people in your life who you befriend because of common interests, such as sports, school, music, or even food. However, when it comes to people you have things in common with, the bar is set pretty high with you two:
1. Same parents
2. You look the same
3. You live/grew up in the same place
4. You take vacations to the same place
5. You eat at least 2 meals a day together
6. You had the same dog growing up
7. You have the same families
And the list can go on and on.
Even though you two are different in so many ways, and will grow to become more different throughout life, you will always have a special bond. It is kind of like these commercials they have for vacationing in Las Vegas. When people get back from there, they can't really explain it, because so much crazy stuff happens, so they just say it was fun. Well, life is like Las Vegas for you 2. You will see and do things and go through so much more together for your entire lives. You will always have a special bond, because you know each other in a way noone else ever will. You will always have someone to play with while you are young, and as you get older, always have someone at the other end of the phone that you can call. Knowing someone so well will result in some of the craziest fights, but also the deepest, life-long, love.
Therefore, long story short, you are welcome for such an awesome gift. You don't have to thank your Mom and I every day, but from time to time, feel free :)
Thanks for reading.
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